Ville de Portneuf

Ville de Portneuf|Ville de Portneuf. Municipality,Local, Municipal development,Regional public administration,Tourism,City | quebec

Ville de Portneuf

Ville de Portneuf

Website (418) 286-3844

Ville de Portneuf

655-A Avenue de l'Eglise , Portneuf  (QC) , CANADA   G0A2Y0
(418) 286-3844
FAX: 418-286-4304

This site's mission is "to provide the population of Ville de Portneuf, its visitors and Internet users wherever they are, with information on the municipal administration and on the services, activities or resources of public interest that we find locally and regionally”.
According to the information to which we refer, the photos are reproduced with the agreement of the author. Likewise, we understand that the persons appearing in a photo have expressed their desired or tacit agreement. If an author or a person appearing on a photo expresses his disagreement to us, said photo will be removed without delay.
The links displayed on this site are reserved for governmental and paragovernmental organizations as well as recognized local and regional socio-community organizations.
The major events appearing on this site are local or regional and are aimed at the whole family.
The content of this site is published by Ville de Portneuf. It is not possible for a third party to publish on this site.
Although appropriate attention is paid to the content published on this site, the City of Portneuf does not guarantee the accuracy of the information presented there and disclaims all liability for the consequences of the use of this information. . The user assumes the consequences alone.
The originals of official documents take precedence over any copy available on this site or any information published on it.

#Portneuf #QC #quebec #Municipality #Local # Municipal development #Regional public administration #Tourism #City

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