Cree Nation d'Eastmain

Cree Nation d'Eastmain|Cree Nation d'Eastmain. Tourism,Municipality,Cree,Indigenous | quebec

Cree Nation d'Eastmain

Cree Nation d'Eastmain

Website (819) 977-0211

Cree Nation d'Eastmain

76 Nouchimi, P.O. Box 90 , PO Box 90 , Eastmain  (QC) , CANADA   J0M 1W0
(819) 977-0211
FAX: 819-977-0281

Eastmain, ᐙᐸᓅᑖᐤ/Wâpanûtâw, meaning "Lands east of James Bay", is located on the east coast of James Bay, on the south shore of the Eastmain River. The territory of Eastmain, designated as Category 1 land, is comprised of 489.53 square kilometers. The town itself has about 8 kilometers of, now paved, roads and is accessible year round by a gravel access road and via Air Creebec. 

The Cree are the largest group of First Nations in Canada, with 350,000 members (both Cree and have Cree ancestry) and 135 out of 630 registered bands. Eastmain is one of the eleven communities that make up the Cree Nation in Quebec; one of five Cree communities that are located on the eastern shore of James Bay. The Cree Nation population is nearly 20,000 living in Eeyou Istchee, meaning "The People's Land", which is comprised of the communities and over three hundred trap lines on a traditional territory of 450,000 square kilometers.

With a population nearing 1000, the main economic activities of the community are its services sectors. This would include a restaurant within a hotel, private businesses, and a construction company with a gas station and garage.  Eastmain is also the headquarters for the Cree Regional Trappers Association, whose role is to support all local CreeTrappers by maintaining the practices of their traditional activities. Other services include its emergency service departments, local radio station, post office, local schools, government service sectors, sports and recreation complex, local development corporation, and local medical services.

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