In the early 2000s, Rosemère had little more than 13,000 citizens. Its development was almost complete, with more or less than 700 lots to build. It now looked to improve the built heritage.
Today, Rosemère has more than 14,000 citizens. We now look to improve the built heritage.
Rosemère also seeks to consolidate its position as a leader in environmental matters. It also pursues its commitment to various programmes such as "One birth, one tree", "Rosemère in Bloom" and the "Secret Gardens Tour". Its actions and their results incite other municipalities in the Thérèse-De Blainville RCM to follow in its footsteps with harmonized avant-garde by-laws prohibiting the use of pesticides for aesthetic purposes. This has led to increased awareness, among citizens, of more natural gardening methods. To live in Rosemère is to live in "A Town in Harmony